Tara Neale

April 26, 2012

Savage Cinderella by PJ Sharon

Filed under: book review,romance,Uncategorized — Tara Neale @ 7:15 am
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Title: Savage Cinderella

Author: PJ Sharon

Source: Amazon

Price: Around $3.50

Heat: Sweet and simple

Rating: Not to be missed

Genre: Young Adult

When I began this blog to support indie (self) published authors, I knew that I had to put some limits to it. I did not want to be reading technical manuals or how-to-get rich yarns. So I decided to stick with my other great love…Romance. But within that genre I knew that there were dozens of sub-genres. Being the liberal and adventurous person that I am, I decided not to put any limits beyond that. Historical, para-normal/sci-fi, contemporary, gay (I am still open to suggestions in this one folks)…you name it; I’ll read and review it.  Of course, I am more familiar with some genres than others.

But when I got a request from one of my Savvy Author friends to review her Young Adult novel I was not certain what to expect. I honestly can’t remember reading more than a couple of Judy Blume books in junior high I seemed to skip straight from Little House on the Prairie to Bertrice Small and Johanna Lindsey. So I was not sure exactly what to expect.

What I got when I opened PJ Sharon’s Savage Cinderella was the delightful story of pain, love and the triumph of the human spirit. It was an amazing journey and if this story is any indication of that genre then I cannot wait for my six year old to graduate to these tales.

Brinn has lived alone in a cabin in the Blue Ridge Mountains since she escaped from the man who kidnapped, raped, tortured and left her for dead. In her eight years of living off the land, she has grown from a child to a beautiful young woman. She has learned which plants are edible, how to catch a fish with her bare hands, that her monthly bleeding does not mean she will die…and oh yeah, she raised an abandoned bear cub.

Until the day that Justin Spencer discovers her. He is a reporter, hiking the trails and taking pictures of nature. When he sees the feral woman-child, he is intrigued. But following her gets them both into big trouble. When he falls, he bumps his head, twists his ankle and ends up as Brinn’s uninvited houseguest for a few days.

Justin ignites feelings in Brinn that she does not understand. His stories of life in the city capture her imagination. While her strength and beauty capture Justin’s heart. Can he help her to re-discover the world that was stolen from her? Can she find the strength to leave the safety of her mountain home? Can he keep her safe from a past that nearly destroyed her once? To find out the answers to those questions, you’ll have to read Savage Cinderella for yourself.

It is well worth the time and money. PJ Sharon is that most elusive of creatures…an amazing storyteller. She uses words to paint pictures of people and places that captivate the reader, drawing them into complex storylines that hold you enthralled until the very end.

Of course, you know me…nothing is ever perfect. For this story, my only quibble was formatting. The story moved so fast and the copy that I had at least did not make clear paragraph breaks. It was difficult going at first…until I got so caught up in the story that nothing mattered. Of course, considering my own journey with self-publishing, I have new respect for how difficult formatting can be. And like I said, this story demands reading.

So if you are looking for a birthday present for a son/daughter/niece/nephew…or if you just want an amazing story of the triumph of the spirit against all odds, then rush out (into cyber space that is) and purchase Savage Cinderella. It is another example of the talent of self-published authors…and this brave new world.

Next week, join me as I taste male-male love…and more than ménage with Emma Holly’s Hidden Depths. Imagine it girls…three husbands…and one of them is a king of an undersea wonder land.

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